Sri Lanka has two large monsoon seasons, each lasting about three months. The rest of the year remains dry and hot, except for a few short heats induced thunderstorms at night. This climate, with its lack of regular water, can have a devastating effect on those who make a living from agriculture. Parakrama Samudra in Sri Lanka was one such solution to the problem of lack of water. In an attempt to alleviate this problem, many ancient kings tried & built reservoirs that regulate water. Parakrama Samudra too is such a construction built in Polonnaruwa by King Parakramabahu the first who ruled there from 1153 AD to 1153 AD. The Sea of Parakrama or Parakrama Samudra originally consisted of five large reservoirs which relieved the pressure on the main dam. The first reservoir Thopa Vewa already existed in King Parakramabahu’s time having been built in 386 AD. The king had the other large reservoirs included and the entire system expanded. In addition, many smaller reservoirs were built around the primary reservoirs to feed them water and to take away any excess water.

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